This is your page to share travel god stories

Share experiences you've had where plans suddenly changed, where things fell apart at the last minute, where you didn't know what to do next. Tell us how the travel gods took control and the end result. How did it all work out?

Tell us what happened

After a long trip, I arrived in a small village in the south of Spain. Needing to get to another town the next day I asked the driverwhen the bus was leaving tomorrow. He replied, "No bus. Weekend." I realized the next bus would be Monday. I decided to sleep in it.
That evening in the hotel restaurant I overheard English being spoken behind me and took up a conversation with the couple. After some time I mentioned my 'No bus, weekend' dilemma. I saw them exchange that 'quick glance and nod thing' that couples do when they need to decide if they are on the same page. They said they had to go that way the next day and offered me a ride. Of course I said yes. And I knew the travel goddess was once again watching over me.

When I found myself stranded in an airport late at night because a delay caused a missed connection, and no suitcase came around on the carousel, I felt like cursing the travel gods. But the end result was an unexpected day exploring Brussels, eating chocolate and waffles, and getting to my destination unscathed. Sometimes we have to trust that they will take care of us.